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in Puddings

3 topics:

Breton prune pudding (far aux pruneaux) (2666 views)

The famous rich Breton cake, a complete meal by the way.  I admit it is a bit fat, but you will need for that log chopping session in preparation for the winter season.
created 18 July 2011
revised 15 May 2019

Coconut pudding (1529 views)

Whoever has travelled in Thailand would know the coconut pudding, found at market stalls.
created 18 July 2011
revised 14 February 2017

Raisin-Rum semolina pudding (854 views)

A nutritious, low-GI, quick-to-make pudding for the whole family.
created 18 May 2012
revised 14 February 2017
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