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in Basic pastries

4 topics:

Croissant pastry (2685 views)

A French symbol, named after a lunar reference.  Croissant literally means increasing, such as the moon on its way from new moon to full moon.  The shape of the moon when waxing gave its name to that very down to earth delicacy . . .

The secret of the famous pastry is...
created 03 July 2011
revised 11 February 2017

Brioche pastry (814 views)

Make the legend Let them eat cake come true! Brioche is a must-have at breakfast, as an enriched bread, that you slice, cover in jam, and dip in your mug.  Stale, it’s still very good as brioche perdue (poor man’s brioche).
created 08 July 2011
revised 17 February 2017

Puff pastry (1892 views)

You will find in this article the detailed stages for the making of the most complex pastry found in everyday cuisine.  We’re sometimes stepping onto a technical field to explain some of its most remarkable properties.
created 08 July 2011
revised 14 February 2017

French Bread dough (764 views)

There are probably as many bread dough recipes as there are authors.  However, the strong tradition of French bakery fixed guidelines a long time ago.  The method described in this article can be considered one of the traditional preparation for everyday French...read more >>
created 09 July 2011
revised 22 February 2017
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