In PHP, the switch statement manages a string and case 0 quite unorthodoxically
I bumped into a wicked behaviour of the switch statement in PHP; it considers that any string equals 0 if the integer case 0 is encountered first.
Everybody knows the following construct:
Example :
switch($variable) {
case 'value1':
// Business 1
case 'value2':
// Business 2
// Default business
Obviously one can replace strings value1 and value2 with constants: CASE1 et CASE2.Example :
define('CASE1', 'value1');
define('CASE2', 'value2');
switch($variable) {
case CASE1:
// Business 1
case CASE2:
// Business 2
// Default business
So far you must still be with me. But were you will stop to be is in the case where a constant used behind a case statement equals integer 0 while the variable checked against in the switch brackets is a string. In this case, it is case 0 that supersedes is encountered first, such as in the example below:
define('CASE1', 0);
define('CASE2', 'foobar');
// index.php?parametre=foobar
$variable = $_GET['parametre'];
switch($variable) {
case CASE1:
// I always supersede
case CASE2:
// Business 2
// Default business
But not in the next example, because it is not encountered first:
define('CAS1', 0);
define('CAS2', 'foobar');
// index.php?parametre=foobar
$variable = $_GET['parametre'];
switch($variable) {
case CAS2:
// I supersede
case CAS1:
// I can't win because I come after a better match
// Default business
Unbelievable! switch acts as if variable $variable equalled 0 regardless of its actual value. It is an awkward situation of a degraded“case” . . . So keep in mind this strange and somewhat dodgy behaviour next time you code a switch statement.