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in Music

4 topics:

4 tracks recorded in“Ravalico Studios” (1633 views)

For posterity, it’s good to know that I engraved in the digital marble my last performance in a muso band.  The era when I had other priorities.  No regrets, I just moved on.
created 01 May 2011
revised 11 February 2017

Write Chord progressions with your HP-48 (955 views)

A little HP-48 utility for lone musicians who want to work out their scales and get a quick source of inspiration.
created 17 August 2011
revised 25 February 2017

Hotel California Bass Tab (1544 views)

A version of the Eagle’s famous slow rock song bass track, which a personal version was transcribed here for you by Fabien Haddadi & Johan Lenoir, being their very first published piece on the Internet, back in 1995.
created 30 November 1995
revised 14 February 2017

Red Hot Chili Peppers By the Way Tab bass (1035 views)

My version of the bass track from the 2002 hit by the RHCP.
As a bonus, I also added my version of Flea’s solo that follows on“Live in Hyde Park”.
created 20 August 2011
revised 10 February 2017
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